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上周五 2013 Fadi Arida,阿里·苏里曼,Nabil Kawni,Yasmine Al Massri Yahya Al-Abdallah 88m When a forty-year-old divorced father discovers that he needs to undergo an operation, which he can not afford, within the next 4 days, he finds himself forced to deal with the life he isolated himself fr...
Dana Mardini,Nicolas Mouawad,Carmen Lebbos,Pamela El Kik,Salma Al Masri,Joe Trad,Mastoura Al-Ahmadi,Mohammad Kheir al-Jarrah 45m Farah’s life is upended when she is tasked with working on her ex’s wedding, the man who five years ago got the cold feet and never showed up to their own. 风雨同...
...比赛,谁可以告诉根根Merito希望? 1997-01-01(IL) 爱情 Ba'al Ba'al Lev עִבְרִית
天平 2020 Ashraf Barhoum,Basima Hajjar,Fatima Al Taei,Haifa Al-Agha,Hafssa Faisal,Abdulaziz Shtian,Ibrahim Al-Hasawi,Rida Ismail,Ali Abdallah Al Kamzari,Fathi Ahmad Al Kamzari,Mohammed Tareq Al Shehhi,Walid Khalid Dawood,Osama Suheil Al Zarafi,Mohannad Hassan Al Zohoury,Seif Ibrahim Al Hamadi,Ali ...
黑暗中 2005 Josefia Forlì,Daniele Grassetti Fabio Mollo 12m 有时,爱情就隐藏在那一刻,悬浮在将两个无法相互接触的身体而分开的空间中。 2005-01-01(IT) 剧情 Al buio Italiano
...g,Andy Dawson,马克西·彼得斯,Rosa Crowley-Bennett,Bobby Beldrum,Amna Al Ali,Yazan Al Shteiwi,Diyaa Al Khalid,Rahaf H,Neil Leiper,Micky McGregor,里斯·麦高恩,Reuben Bainbridge,Jack Staples,Ruby Bratton,Michelle Bell,Alex White,黛比·霍尼伍德,Mandy Foster,Joanne Hague,Debbie Cook,Chri...
致命一击 1982 让-路易斯·特林提格南特,劳拉·莫兰特,Vanni Corbellini,Sonia Gessner,Laura Nucci,Vera Rossi,Matteo Cerami,Fausto Rossi Gianni Amelio 105m 意大利重量级导演吉安尼·阿梅利奥一举成名之作 1982-12-24(IT) 剧情 Colpire al cuore Italiano
...被引诱。致命的错误。 1980-07-08(ES) 惊悚,恐怖 18 Viciosas al desnudo Español
...iam Dehne,Esther Gronenborn 93m A movie about Berlin 2005-06-23 12 Stadt als Beute Deutsch
爱的反面 2011 Hugo Silva,阿德里亚娜·乌加特,Álex Barahona,Guadalupe Lancho,Kiti Mánver,Pepa Aniorte,Elena Ballesteros,玛塔·哈扎斯,亚历杭德罗·卡萨塞卡 Vicente Villanueva 105m 一对夫妇阐述了他们对关系应该如何运作的想法。 2011-08-26(ES) 喜剧,爱情 ...