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awWH5ZEh9mHn60xqDShisr5iFb5.jpg El vendedor de humo 2012 Jaime Maestro 7m A salesman comes to town offering an extraordinary merchandise: to realize the dreams of its inhabitants, though, for a small fee. However, the locals do not have time to fantasize, more busy with their chores. 2012-01-04(ES)...
羊之友 2010 Jaime Maestro 8m 繁华都市迎来了新的早晨。某栋大楼的半空中,楼梯清洁工老狼正做着极其枯燥无聊的清洁工作。他穿得破破烂烂,目光中看不到任何希望。当他开始清洁某一楼层的窗户时,突然发现这间公司的员工竟...
...i Derryberry,哈维·菲尔斯坦 Tony Bancroft,Scott Christian Sava,Jaime Maestro 94m 欧文的叔叔在经营着一家以动物表演闻名的马戏团,但一场大火却让叔叔意外去世,马戏团的表演场也全部化为灰烬。此时,继承马戏团的重担落在了欧文身...